Saturday, April 2, 2016

Autopilot....friend or foe.....hmmm..? Well at times  our autopilot has served us. For example once we have learned to ride a bike, tie a shoe, or drive, our auto pilot or subconscious mind is like our little helper that wires our brain so that we don't have to consciously think everytime we do these day to day tasks.
So we owe a lot of thanks for that ...but what about when it comes to habits we picked up along the way that are no longer serving us? I'm sure we can all admit there are things we do or have done and later thought...."why did I do that?"...."or "that's not who I want to be." I know I have, especially when it comes to replacing an old unhealthy habit or way of thinking and being with a new one that serves my body, mind and spirit. Well that's because our Autopilot was steering....just like it has all our life!

When we live on autopilot too long, our life can become grey, dull, and uninspired. We may wake up one day and say "wow...where did the time go?" or feel like life is passing us by. What if you could change it around? What if you could take hold of the wheel and steer your life in the direction of your hopes and dreams, and have a life that reflects your intentions?
Well you can:)

Here are 4 ways to kick autopilot old patterns to the curb and replace them with an Inspired approach...kind of like an Inspired Pilot.

1) STOP ...Colaborate and listen

Yes...I stole this line from Vanilla Ice, but it totally applies. Stop for a moment when you are wanting to experience something different. Being aware of the habits and old patterns you want to break or replace is key. When you are aware , then progress is possible. Openness and awareness are qualities you will want to embrace. It will always bring about progress which equals fulfillment.

 Colaborate with your own thoughts about how you want to feel, live and be instead. Write them down...brainstorm. look up others that are living the kind of lifestyle you want or the kind of skills you want to develop. I know when I was going through this phase of my life , where I wanted to change, but wasn't  sure where to start, I looked up others that had mastered the art of life. Of course Tony Robbins is a good start. If your reading this then you're all ready ahead of the game.

 Listen by quieting your mind. Meditation  is a great way to clear your head of all the noise. Most of us without realizing it are living someone else's dream. We are bombarded everyday with to do lists, messages from every direction, so many things to distract us. It can be easy to lose ourselves and our sense of peace and well being in the process. When I started the practice of mediation, I found a sense a peace I had never experienced before. I could go on and on about the positive effects of mediation, but one of the main effects I enjoyed was this feeling of being Inspired towards developing my passions that came from connecting to myself. As I followed these inspired ideas, it was as if by magic the right people, circumstances and synchronicity fell into my lap.

2)Make time for the things you love to do

When was the last time you did something, just for the fun of it? What do you like to do? Have you created anything lately that brings you joy? Is there anything that just comes naturally to you? Have you ever done something where you lose track or time...or time seems to fly by, because you get lost in what you are doing? We all have things that we say "if only I had more time to do that...or I would do that if I could make money at it...It's just a hobby." Please don't let these words utter out of your mouth again. Making time to do the things you enjoy is what life is about. We are here to create, explore. have fun, , have new experiences, and so much more. Please don't put your interests on hold. The more you do things that fuel your soul, the happier you can become, which will lead to inspired choices in your life that are more aligned with what is right for you.

3) Unplug and get outside

 How much time do we waste on social media and the internet.... scrolling...and the next thing you know it's time for bed or way past your bedtime. I have been guilty of this more then I'd like to admit.Anytime I feel the blaws coming on I know it's either from skipping meditation practice that day, not getting enough sleep, not fueling my body,  spending too much time on social media, or not getting outside in Nature. There is just something that is invigorating and inspiring about going out in Nature. Well I guess there is just so much beauty to be found around every corner, from the sounds of birds to the scent of flowers or just fresh air. It can offer us a new perspective and help us clear our head of all the clutter.  

4) Spend time with others who are Uplifting and loving

Think about who you spend most of your time with...the conversations you have...the things you do together. If 90% feels toxic, then you may want to look for ways to meet new people. When we are autopilot, we tend to not consciously think about the company we keep. Jim Rohn  said it best " You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” You may need to rethink the company you keep. Are they uplifters? Do they talk about things that inspire you? Do you feel connected, loved and supported? This change alone makes a huge difference. Maybe join a group, or class, or club where people have the same interests as you. Find your TRIBE. A group of people who understand you as you truly are.

So I don't want to be too hard on our autopilot responses and functions, after all it got us here and it has it's place. 

Just be aware when it's steering you away from what you truly want.If you catch it playing old tricks that seem to sabotage your progress, then that's when you can switch to an Inspired Pilot way of life!