Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Join me on my 21 days of Meditation:)

Over the last few years I have put a lot of time  and effort into my personal development goals, so that I can continue to grow, and learn, and in turn help others do the same for themselves.  I have done this in many ways. One main way has been by developing the habit of listening to Inspirational leaders and speakers, such as Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hay on a daily basis. I feel that each of them offer a certain wisdom and insight into the puzzle of how our mind and spirit work together and that once we know how it works, we have the power to change it for the better.

It's a very empowering thought to know that we actually have the power to change the way our brain processes information! We don't have to be the victim of what has happened to us in the past. We can decide instead to take control of our lives starting now and a big part of that is by choosing to be mindful of the thoughts we allow to enter  into our awareness. The first step is just that simple...to be aware of our self talk. What kind of self talk do you have with yourself on a daily basis?....is it good or is it bad? If the way you talk to yourself is not aligned with your intentions of where you want to go in life and how you want to feel, then I encourage you to put a stop to these self defeating thoughts that are holding you back.

 Most of us are going about our lives unconsciously conscious...by that I mean that we are kind of on autopilot, going from task to task without really slowing down to be aware of our thoughts. One way to develop mindfulness is to meditate, because it forces you to slow down and have one pointed focus.

If you had asked me five years ago what I thought about meditation, I probably would have said something like..."Isn't that what they do in yoga class to relax"...."or isn't that what monks do,"  I didn't realize all the benefits it can have. One main benefit is that it helps to develop the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain that helps with reasoning, planning,  and the ability to have control over your emotions, which ultimately effects how you feel and what you do, because as Dr. Wayne Dyer said "as you think, so shall you be." As if that were not reason enough, regular meditation leads to better focus, less anxiety, more creativity, more compassion, less stress, and shown to diminish the decline of cognitive functioning in old age. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty good to me:)

So with all that said...I am happy to say that today is a good day to start my 21 day mediation challenge. I decided on 21 days because that seems to be the amount of time it takes to develop new habits that stick to the point where it becomes part of who we are...isn't the mind amazing!!

I would love if you could join me on this meditation mission:) We can support and motivate each other on the way...please feel free to share your stories with me. I'm sure the first few days will feel strange or funny....but that's good because I enjoy a good laugh...especially at myself:)

Happy Meditating:)

Here is one of the good websites I found explaining the benefits in more detail...just in case you need more motivation.  http://lifehacker.com/what-happens-to-the-brain-when-you-meditate-and-how-it-1202533314

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